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How to Make a Productive Study Space

In recent years, we’ve seen the term “aesthetic” pop up over and over again on social media. In it’s current usage, the word refers to the distinct look or style of a person, company, or place. Aesthetics have also entered the academic sphere, with things like studygram, studyblr, studytube popping up on various social media platforms. These are accounts that are centered around making productivity, academics, and study visually appealing. The logic behind it is, if your space is functional as well as beautiful, there will be more motivation to study.   I think this is an interesting phenomena, and I think it is a true one. In today’s post, I will be taking you through some of the things I do to maximize my work space, as well as make it efficient. First, let’s start off with some of the basic things that I always have on my desk Book stand Planner/Notebook Globe (this will make sense later, I promise)   As history majors, we do a LOT of reading and writing. It’s so difficult ...

What Can I Do With a History Degree?

Sometimes, it can be hard for us as students to fully understand where our degree is taking us, or how we can apply the skills we've learned to other classes, or to the career world. This is especially true with the history major. History is a broad and sometimes vague subject, which can make it difficult to see where exactly our skills can be applied. A person with a history degree could have any number of careers, none of which are related to the other. Some examples include: Martha Stewart, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Katharine Hepburn, or President Biden. 

But being a history major teaches you a number or skills that can be applied both to other college classes and to real-world careers. Here are some examples below: 

Benefits for university

  • Being able to write a clear and structured research paper
  • How to analyze the multiple perspectives within an argument
  • How to interpret and view bias within evidence


Benefits for the career world

  • Effective writing & analytical skills
  • Finding creative solutions for complex questions
  • Oral presentation

History is a complex and diverse field, and it provides numerous skills that can lead to many different career paths. What do you hope to do with your history degree? 

image source: What Can You Do with That History Degree? | AHA

Next we'll be talking about three different ways to think about history. See you then!

For my Youtube video on this topic, click here! 


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